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Autodesk Training Co-financing helps you improve your qualifications. Any employer employing at least 1 person under any type of employment contract may use the grant from the National Court Register fund.

What is good to know about co-financing Autodesk training?

• Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises can benefit from co-financing,

• Co-financing for training is possible in all regions, outside the province Mazowieckie and Pomorskie,

• In each co-financing voivodship, it supports and accounts for another operator,

• Co-financing Autodesk training can be obtained on the development of competences of self-employed and employees in accordance with the diagnosed needs of enterprises and for comprehensive development services corresponding to their needs.

Development is very important, especially in a sector such as construction and design. The Autodesk training co-financing gives the opportunity not only to young but also older employees to improve their qualifications and the opportunity to acquire new knowledge based on BIM technology and the Autodesk program. It is worth investing your time in obtaining Autodesk training funding, because this technology is the future of construction and in a short time our time and work expenditure will pay off. Autodesk Training Co-financing offers great opportunities for people who are ambitious and want to grow in their industry. BIM is a unique technology that allows real-time cooperation between the investor, contractor and designers. It allows you to make corrections in Autodesk on the fly. We invite you to submit applications and participate in training with Autodesk.

The co-financing of Autodesk training will allow us to send an employee to a course, thanks to which he will gain skills and self-confidence, which will probably use the benefit of our company at a later time. A recognized and confident employee participating in the course thanks to the co-financing of Autodeske training more willingly use the experience and skills in favor of our company. These are the main benefits that flow for the employer in connection with the use of a chance that offers co-financing Autodesk training. It is worth remembering to deepen employee skills because properly qualified staff is the key to the company's success. A worker posted on behalf of the company for training will be used at a later time gained knowledge in favor of this company.

Why is Autodesk Training Grant so important?

How do we rate employee performance? As a rule, based on their work. Co-financing Autodesk training that provides expert, professional knowledge can increase the efficiency of the tasks performed, as employees will feel confident in both the topic in which they work and the tools they use. Finding an experienced employee can be difficult at times. Large companies are increasingly investing in their employees and sending them to Autodesk training funding to learn more about the issues they cover. While some training courses are quite expensive, all organizations nowadays are certain of the ultimate return on that investment.

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Autodesk Training Co-financing

As part of your application for funding from the National Training Fund (KFS), you can now upgrade your qualifications and take advantage of Autodesk Training. Co-financing can be 100% or with a minimal own contribution.


Any employer who employs one or more people on any type of employment contract can benefit from Autodesk training funding from the KFS fund. However, the quota of people employed cannot exceed 250. Micro companies (up to 10 people) can get 100% of the funding, while small and medium-sized companies can get up to 80% of the planned training costs.


The condition for co-financing Autodesk training is that the amount granted for training one employee cannot exceed 300% of the average salary in a given year. The application for funding Autodesk training should be submitted to the Poviat Labor Office appropriate for the headquarters of the employer, the order of applications counts.


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